With over 50 years of experience in Hong Kong, Mitsubishi Electric has been offering high quality products, continuously advancing the equipment to the latest standards in terms of safety, performance, reliability, energy saving and technology. We provide full guarantee of compatibility and complete technical support to ensure smooth implementation of all modernization projects. 三菱電機服務香港逾��年,竭誠提供優質的產品。我們持續提升設 備於安全、運行、可靠度、能源節約及科技等方面的表現,以達致最 新的指標。三菱電機保證產品的兼容性及全面技術支援,讓所有優 化項目得以順利執行。 Modernization − Elevators and Escalators 優化工程 — 升降機與電扶梯
Remote Elevator Maintenance System − M’s BRIDGE 升降機遙距保養系統 — M’s BRIDGE
Passengers’ safety is our prime concern. The remote elevator maintenance system, M’s BRIDGE, enables our technical team to closely monitor the elevator operation 24/7, allowing for a greater peace of mind. The system periodically accesses the operating data of the elevator system through the mobile network remotely, ensuring operational efficiency and allowing fast service provision, while reducing downtime for routine maintenance.
三菱電機一向重視乘客的安全。我們的技術團隊能透過升降 機遙距保養系統 (M’s BRIDGE),��/�不分晝夜地密切監察升 降機的運作,讓乘客倍感安心。系統能透過流動網絡,定期遙 距收集升降機的運作數據作評估,以確保升降機的服務效率, 縮短因保養工作需要而暫停服務的時間。
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