At Mitsubishi Electric, we value Sustainability as one of our core corporate philosophies. By creating shared value with our stakeholders, we achieve profitability, while minimizing our environmental impact and contributing to the well-being of our society and community. As a socially responsible corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Hong Kong initiates and supports a wide range of Corporate Social Responsibility activities, including charities, educational projects and environmental schemes as well as supporting the development of the next generation in the areas of science and technology, culture and arts, and sports. We generously contribute to different charity organisations and offer volunteer service programs and activities throughout the territory, encouraging our employees to share love and support with the less privileged. 「可持續發展」是三菱電機的核心企業理念之一。我們與持份者創造共同價值,實現盈利,更重視減少環境影響,造福社會及社群。 作為一家具社會責任的企業,三菱電機(香港)發起各種企業社會責任活動,支持與慈善、教育和環保有關的計劃,並致力培育下一代在科學及科技 、文化及藝術、體育方面的發展。我們向不同的慈善機構慷慨解囊,亦安排義工服務活動,鼓勵員工積極參與,將關愛傳遞給弱勢社群。
Marine litter has been a long-time global issue; it not only threatens the marine ecosystem but every one of us. To raise awareness of this issue, we participated in the Coastline Recovery program, a shoreline clean-up volunteer activity, organized by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Through this activity, we hope to encourage our employees and their family members to change their behaviours and nurture positive values and attitudes towards our coastal environment. 海洋垃圾一直是全球關注的環境問題,其不僅威脅海洋生態系統,更影響著我們每一個人。為 提高大眾對海洋垃圾問題的意識,我們參與了由世界自然基金會舉辦的古蹟海岸之旅,進行海 岸清潔義工活動。我們希望透過活動,鼓勵員工及家屬改變習慣,培養愛護海洋環境的正面價 值觀及態度。
We sponsored the ‘Mitsubishi Electric Green Innovation Competition 2021’, which was launched by the Chinese University of Hong Kong with the theme ‘Green Powers Fight against COVID -19’; allowing primary and secondary students apply their STEM knowledge to come up with creative solutions to address the environmental concerns we have, while fighting against the spread of COVID-19. 我們贊助由香港中文大學主辦的「三菱電機綠色科技創意大賽����」,比賽以「綠色抗疫」為題,鼓 勵中小學生確立疫情期間遇到的環境問題,運用科技知識及技能提出富創意的解決方案。
We collaborated with the Little Light Art Project to launch the "Creative Sustainability-kids 100" program, which provides a series of engaging online workshops and activities to promote the idea of re-using plastic bottles and educate about the importance of recycling resources. We hope to enhance children's awareness of environmental protection and develop their creativity through this program. 我們聯同Little Light Art Project,推行 「創意環保小靈精」計劃,舉辦一連串 網上互動工作坊及活動,推廣膠樽重 用及資源回收的重要性。我們希望透 過計劃,鼓勵小朋友發揮創意,並提升 他們的環境保護意識。
Prolonged isolation due to social – distancing measures under the COVID-19 pandemic has harshly impacted those living alone, especially the elderly population. To show our love and support we joined hands with Yan Oi Tong, a local charity, to distribute food packages and celebrated the lunar new year with the community via ZOOM. ����新型冠狀病毒疫情下,社交距離措施令不少獨居者長期與外界隔絕, 獨居長者的生活更尤其受到嚴重影響。為傳達關愛及支持,我們與本地慈 善團體仁愛堂合作派送食物包,並以ZOOM視像會議一起慶賀農曆新年。
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